Today was concrete slab day. The cement mixer and the pumping truck showed up at 8am along with a crew to get this done.  

About half way done in the pic below, pouring about a 4 inch slab of concrete, along with some of the skilled  concrete guys as this will be a stained and polished concrete floor on this level. The stain and polishing will happen in the coming days, after this has had a chance to completely harden.  I know the polishing equipment comes with dust collection connections, but I have to admit I am wondering how big of a mess this will be. Glad I won't be living here for it!

The staining / polishing step will take place on the full area, before it is framed out for walls.  I'm expecting that this should be a really interesting, beautiful floor.

End of day today.  Having watched all the effort to get to this point, the cold grey concrete floor seems a little anti-climactic.  Reality however, is that it was over a month of work laying new sewer service, water, drain tile, radiant heat tubing and all the connections to the rest of the project.


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