I've been absent from the blog for a week or so, the chaos of all the finishing-up stuff combined with a holiday made it hard to collect up content and post something of any substance.

I'm preparing to leave the house again for a few days while the floors get their final finishing, starting tomorrow. At this point, I have really had it with packing bags and having to go elsewhere while my space has some more work done on it.  But this is the last time, I keep telling myself.  On Sunday, I'll be back to stay for good.  Just in time, too - the furniture arrives from storage on the following Friday. No shortage of things to do here, no Sir!

So, some updates:  First Floor:

Still lots of finishing going on.  Obviously all the painting has happened. Appliances are starting to go in, kitchen counter tops are coming next week.  I realized last night that the stove actually works, which felt like some kind of milestone I guess.  Sometimes it's the small things.

Of note here is that the railings around the stairs are in the assembly stage.  They are of this raw iron material, much like many of the other elements in the house. It is bringing a sense of safety along with it as the drop from the second floor is a big one - which has been wide open for awhile now. 

From the Livingroom looking toward the rear of the house:  The closet and powder room on the left.  The columns won't remain white, it is only primer at this point.  Expect this to change. It is still a little unclear as to what the change will be. 

The second floor has been through a lot of paint! Door handles and locksets look nice:

Laundry room is coming together -

And finally, the Master Bath vanity arrives.  This was a custom piece by Pete Moorman, designed by Tony Stavish.  It was just installed yesterday, stay tuned for how this finishes up. 

And, as it is now almost December, this is expected in Chicago.
No, the Front Door still has not arrived. Ugh. 


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